We work at the intersection of Health Care & Beauty

In need for a kick-ass idea to become innovation leader in your field? Or do you just want to validate your existing use cases or review your portfolio? We got you covered.

White Space Identification

Let´s partner up to identify innovative solutions that you and your customers will love. Via shared workshops, brainstorming sessions or just as a first proposal prepared by us, we discuss what´s possible. And also what´s not.
Think Fresh

- Review your vision
- See what´s out there
- Go beyond your why

Map the Gap

- Assess your position
- Map the competition
- Know your power

Buckle up!

- Short list your innovations
- Get out the toolkit
- Get everyone on board

Business Model Development

Already have some first use cases identified or want to dig deeper into the pre-defined ideas. Together with you, we validate the identified use cases and make sure the innovations are ready to scale.
Find your Base

- Get the big picture
- Set the target
- Map the road

Run the Num´s

- Model the cases
- Evaluate feasibility
- Know your options

Prepare for Growth

- Take the decisions
- Define the metrics
- Ensure success

Product Innovation Portfolio

Investor, corporate or start-up? Want to assess your current company or product portfolio and identify what´s missing to be at the cutting-edge of your industry? For you, we dig deep without losing sight of the big picture.
The Status Quo

- List what´s there
- Identify what´s not
- Draw the big picture

Do some Magic

- Dive into solutions
- Source your matches
- Leverage innovation

Break Ground

- Implement what´s missing
- Lead the way
- Predict the future


Clients that love us


How to work with us

Want to learn about our use cases?